post VI Gender Roles and Stereotypes

Every society, ethnic group and culture have expectations of gender roles, but they can be very different from one group to another. They can also change in the same society over time. Also stereotypes about gender can cause unequal and unfair treatment because of a person’s gender.

In this context, in my opinion I believe that Chile still has a very marked stereotype, even though it has evolved over time. For example, in the workplace, there are companies where women can’t hold management positions, because they are suppost to not  have leadership skills or are very emotional. This is a stereotype, a bias that is not exact.

Another macho stereotype is about domestic behaviors. Some people expect that women will take care of  children, cooking , and cleaning the home, while men take care of finances.
But I believe that new generations nowadays have another vision about the domestic behaviors.  Domestic behaviors must be shared by the members of a family.

I hope that society keeps evolving about this topic, so that there aren´t any marked stereotypes or biases.


  1. Clearly, Chile must advance a lot in this area, the stereotypes are very marked!

  2. I agree with you. Our country is evolving, taking baby step, but evolving.

  3. I agree Vale,the hope is in the new generations, in us

  4. i also think that Chile can make a change and be less stereotyped

  5. Absolutely agree with the idea that our country has very marked stereotypes, that we had to adapt soon.


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