Why did I choose to study Odontology?

When I was a child I dreamed be an actress or chef. Always I was trying to cook something, but as I was a child, it was dangerous for me. Then, when I grew up, I refered be a dentist. 
In the moment for postulate University, I had only one option (odontology), but for something for the life I postulated a bachelor's degree at the University of Chile.
In the bachelor's degree I knew the news studies or humanist areas, for example, I knew a sociology, psychology, philosofy, anthropology, and... I loved anthropology, I confused, and I was insecured, but at the moment for decide for wich career to chose, I thought "if I wanted odontology, Why I will prefer other career?", so I was trasnferred a odontology of the University of Chile. 
My experiencie at University has been variable, in the bachelor's degree, I met some friends, and I liked the ambient of the University, but when I arrived a odontology, in the beginning I didn't like the ambient, but i'm getting used to that. 

In the future I would like have a relaxed job, as I will say "Job for live" and not "live for job"  


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