VIII: A subject that you enjoy studying this semester

Hello dear classmates,

Today I am going to talk about some subject that I enjoy studying this semester. oh! stop! I think that just this semester I have not had the luck to enjoy any. hahah but I will tell you about my experience with simulation.

Simulation is a practical subject, it is where we practice what we will do as dentists in our professional future.

Personally, I have had some contradictions with the career, I have asked myself if it is what I would really like to do for my whole life. At first I did not motivate too much simulation, having to practice forced every morning, and so on. But at this time of the year, I can say that I liked ONLY A LITTLE.

I hope to know more about the career, practice different things, and that I like it more every day. I also hope that when doing my practice in the clinic I like it, since I would be helping people, I would be doing something nice for someone, giving my knowledge to help someone.
