
Personally, I think it’s really complicated to talk about abortion. 
I believe that I don’t have the right amount of information to make a right judgment, but from what I know, I believe that actually abortion exists in Chile, It is a reality we can’t deny. The abortion in Chile is practiced in precarious conditions of health, putting in danger the health of all women who are expose to it.

In addition, who consider abortion a violation of human rights, it may be valid for a legislator, for a law or for a religion, but is wrong from a scientific point of view, of course, as long as it’s until the third month, or is wrong since the philosophy.
I think it's wrong to look at abortion by just following our personal thought ethics, the dignity of the person involved it's important.
For this and many others argument,I think that Chile must legalize the abortion and take responsibility about the matters. 


  1. Definitely, abortion is a topic with many points of view and all are valid.

  2. I think similar , chile need legalize the abortion!

  3. I like the phrase "take responsability" It is needed

  4. I think very similar, legislation on abortion is very neccesary, it is not possible that they continue to be carried out in precarious ways.

  5. For me it's very difficult to talk about abortion because I don't like what it implies but it's true that something must be done so that women's rights are not violated.


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