Post X: Some reflections

Hello dear classmates:

As you know, this is my last post. Maybe it’s a bit nostalgic, reflective and help me to realize the achievements until now. And the objectives that I still have to work on.

This year has been very difficult. I think I can say that it’s one of the most complicated in terms of personal life. About academic has been with several changes. But I have been adapting throughout the semester.

Well, as I told you about my personal life. I started a difficult year. First, four days before a new year, one of the most important person in my life died. Who marked my childhood, adolescence and who left me many lessons. As you should know, my holidays were not that good. Always I thought it was a difficult semester because of the above, and so it is, with ups and downs. But not everything is so bad, along this long and short path, I've know people who curiously have come to my life "for some reason" and given me  lesson of life.

Also, this semester has been the first semester with an approach in terms of dental practice, that helps to know our skills or our defect and focus on them for better performance.


  1. I'm sorry for you loss :c you are a good person and I'm pretty sure that you will succed in everything that you propose!

  2. I know it's difficult lose an important person, but cheer up


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