Hello everyone
It is a difficult topic to talk about yet, and
I think that I have spoken with very few people about this topic, but I would like to tell you how
lucky I am to meet a great man like him, my grandfather.
In the picture is Sergio Olmedo, better known as "neno", my grandfather and me. In Mexico, in the year 2001.

I remember that Mexico was one of my first unforgettable holidays with my family, and that the photo was taken in a restaurant in the "Mexican night", I don't remember well what happened when the photograph was taken, but I remember how I felt, I was really happy, happy as a little girl enjoying her grandfather could be.
But more than describing how it was that day, or how were those holidays, I want to tell you about my grandfather. How significant this photograph is for me, simply because I'm with him.
Despite the great age difference, my grandfather was my friend, he was the one who concentrated on everything. I loved spending time with him, we laughed at simple things.
In truth I am very lucky, it is the greatest gift that life could give me, there are no words that can describe what I feel for him, He is a great man, and unique. I have the great hope of being able to see him again and give him one more hug.
For now, I know that he is taking care of me from wherever he is.
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